Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Life: Before vs Now

There have been alot of changes in the past few years to say the least. I graduated from college, I married SKIA, and had Small's. I went from being single; staying out later than I should've; moving from parents house to host house to my own apartment to an apartment with a few roomies; going out to eat whenever; working at a DayCare to working at Best Buy; going to Oregon for two months doing mission work; dating; wondering when SKIA was going to propose; being Miss Independent Loud Mouth for no apparent reason other than I hated being in the background... from all of that to waking up every morning to SKIA's face; living with my two favorite people; staying at home ALL day long; cooking meals and going out occasionally; realizing that being in the background isn't so bad and being gentle and quiet is a privilege not a death sentence (and so much harder for me than people think); and the furthest SKIA and I have ventured since Small's was born was Temple, TX and believe me that was NO easy task!
But the change hasn't been a wham bam thank you mam all in one shot kinda deal. There were physical changes, emotional changes, and spiritual realizations (God never changes). I went from a size 2 at engagement to a size 10 when we found out we were preggers! That's twenty pounds and I wasn't even showing yet! My hormones raged even before I got married- after we found out Small's was on the way my hormones went into World War III mode. The happy hormones were constantly attacking the sad hormones and the angry hormones were caught somewhere in the middle practically blowing eachother to smitherenes. Poor SKIA! But through it all, my Rock has been my Savior because He never changes. As much as I have been through the Valley and up the mountains and back again... He has been my Sky. He has always been there, He never let me endure more than I could handle with Him.
Although the change wasn't sweet as pie and even though sometimes I still think back on my pre-SKIA&Small's days with envy... I wouldn't have my life any other way. Whether Small's is crying out of hunger or if she's discovering the GAGA sound for the first time with a sweet smile to boot... I love my Small's. And whether SKIA comes home all sweaty and stinky begging for dinner or if he's brought a bouquet of flowers... I love my SKIA. I can't imagine my future without them. So whether or not I'm happy, mad, or sad... I can have joy in my heart because I have been given so much. Wow- what a life. Check ya on the flip side!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's a pretty amazing testimony to the work that God has done in you that a lot of people don't realize that you may struggle with maintaining a gentle and quiet spirit.
I know I certainly had no idea! Praise Him!! :)

blessings sis,