Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cloth Diapering Adventure: Nursing Journey

Now that I've settled into the crazy newborn stage, I've been thinking of two very huge aspects of this part of child-rearing. Two things that I have felt very inadequate in, but so far have been wonderful experiences. For those of you who don't know, I've been using cloth diapers from moment one on my sweet little Abby. She has a stash of 4 AIO's (all in ones) in pink, 8 GMD fitteds in newborn, and 24 small unbleached birdseye flats (also from GMD). Of course the stash is complete with four wraps and one snappi. I've actually ordered two more from and they should be arriving in the next week (I lost two of the ones I ordered a couple months ago). My findings on cloth diapering my Abby... it's easiest to use the newborn fitteds out and about with a wrap (like when we went to church on Sunday). Abby is a serious wet machine so the AIO's don't hold up for her. They leak like crazy. I usually use these at night when she's up every hour or so. During the day I use the wonderfully glorious FLATS! They are super absorbent and she's only leaked out of them a few times (usually if she's taken a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day). I never realized how wonderful flats could be and how incredibly easy they are to use! Maybe it's just me, but I feel uber earth-friendly and money smart each time I change her diaper. It's a little perk of cloth-ing. I feel like I could give a class on flats, but I know the folding is still a work in progress. Pride wells up in this novice as I think to myself, "I've yet to put a disposable on my baby's undefiled skin."

The other major part of newborn reality for me is breastfeeding. After a 36 hour bout with engorgement, realizing that nipple shields are a bad thing for let-down, and finally getting the hang of this whole latch thing... I must say we are doing really well. Actually, I am doing SSOOOOOOOO much better than with my other two. I actually enjoy the moments when I have an excuse to just sit back and relax. But there are alot of things that I have learned from this short time of nursing Abby...

1) Weight will come off with time and actively trying to lose weight while nursing is counterproductive in the long term. (I've lost 20 lbs of the total 45 lbs I gained in pregnancy and it'll probably be at least 6 more months before the rest comes off... AND I'm totally okay with that).
2) My goal of 3000 calories per day is something I will struggle with immensely. If I don't have enough calories from food, my body will get it from my muscle tissue and well... bad things can happen (like my metabolism being shot after I finish this journey). You try doing that with two very active kiddos and a baby and trying to keep a decent house all while trying to keep your sanity intact. Can anyone say- Itzbeen to remind me that I need to eat?
3) Each time Abby is at the breast- it's like I'm going for a jog... suh-weet!
4) Pumping is a no-go for the first 6-8 weeks. This applies to me because I stay at home and don't need to build up a stash of milk for when I return to work. Pumping for me will inhibit the nursing pattern that will be necessary for later success (say 6-8 months from now).
5) Latch IS important. Not only is Abby able to extract more milk, I won't be sore later. Yay!
6) High protein high calorie food is a MUST. Low calories make for skim milk. Babies don't bulk up on skim milk. I like protein. :-) Abby is already gaining weight- yay! :-D

 I feel more ready for this aspect of my relationship with Abby. I'm not freaking out about every single drop or how much she needs to gain. I have educated myself as much as I can on the subject and I've asked (and will probably ask many more in the future) lots of good questions. I have a good support system in place and I'm better prepared for the inevitable bumps in the road.

So I'm sitting here eating, pears with cottage cheese, whole wheat bread slices with pralinutta, and my extra large olives are next... oh and I can't forget my trusty water bottle. :-) I'll probably need to make a good grocery list for later. Yum. :-) I <3 grocery shopping! :-D

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