Friday, August 19, 2011

A Week Already?!

A week ago I was watching a movie with the hubby before hittin' the hay. I woke up a few hours later in full blown transition. So... lots has happened in a week. My list of "happened" goes like this:

-Abby is born.
-We begin the journey of breastfeeding.
-Milk comes in end of day 2.
-Severe engorgement. Tylenol, Motrin, and ice packs make the process a little less unbearable. (and I thought labor was tough! At least THAT wasn't prolonged pain!)
-Engorgement eases almost 36 hours later.
-The worrying begins when the number of poops and pees doesn't meet the "normal" (and we're still worrying)
-Find out that the nipple shield that helps me nurse is preventing "let down" and the shield is banned. Let the REAL pain begin.
-Breastfeeding au natural is established.
-The fullness starts decreasing (thank the Lord!)
-Abby goes for a 3 hour stretch at night... twice.
-Co-sleeping is actually a good thing for us- she sleeps longer than half an hour that way. (and so do I!)
-My body still looks pregnant. Oh yeah, I kinda forgot about that whole "tire" look around the middle.
-Phoebe and Stephen absolutely love Abby. There are perks to having them so close. :-)
-I'm becoming the human pacifier (sometimes every 15 minutes for an hour or so- especially in the evenings)
-I'm trying to rest when she does, but alas... it seems impossible after the kiddos are awake.
-My mother-in-law has been staying with us since Sunday night. All I can say is, "How in the world did I do without her with my first two?"
-Stephen had vomiting and the runs for a couple days. He finally solidified and he's now a happy Bubba.
-Our power went out last night. Our first car trip to Target was not so great, but the A/C inside made up for the not so happy Abby. We got home to no power, but CPS got their tail in gear and in less than an hour after that we had power back on. Whew! I have no idea how people do without A/C  in the summer- I was about to pass out.
-Abby has yet to poop yellow... praying that this occurs sometime tomorrow (tonight would be great).
-Abby had her first bath and now I have a nice and clean little baby.
-My sanity is still intact. :-)

Didn't realize how much can go on in the week after a baby is born.  My body is still aching, but after 10 months of growing and stretching... I suppose it'd be unreasonable to expect everything to go back to "normal" after a few days. We're doing well. It's crazy, but worth it. Sometimes I want to fast forward to being normal again, but then again that pause button seems just as tempting. :-)
-I've yet to use a disposable diaper on her. So nice. :-)

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