Thursday, May 23, 2013

Long time no write... And some serious updating.

Gracious, it's been forever since I last wrote! So sorry for the serious slackaholic tendencies. An update is in order and then from here on out I promise to be more committed to this frenzy of information and updates from yours truly. My little Abigail is now 21 months old and is a BIG sister to a sweet little four week old little girl named Emma. Yeah, THAT happened. If you'll kindly excuse my newborn mama brain (of course you will) it'd be greatly appreciated. It would be important to let y'all into a very dark season of my life so you'll understand where I'm coming from when I say "our lost little" or something to that degree. In late June of 2012 we found out we were expecting again without warning since my cycles hadn't resumed after having Abby. We were very surprised, but happy. Each life is very precious to us and I secretly hoped for the little son that would even our family out. About a week after finding out, I got a terrible feeling while headed to prayer meeting. I confided in Larry that I didn't feel right and I was worried. Larry tried to lay my fears to rest and said it would be alright. The next morning I started bleeding, not a gush but like a very heavy period and it didn't stop. I called my midwife in tears and got an ultrasound that afternoon to confirm that I was no longer pregnant. There was no sac, no baby, just a "healthy" it uterus that appeared to be normal. I was shocked, but beside myself with pain. I was still nursing Abby 3-4 times a day and pretty much stopped cold turkey over the next few days. I was very tender and hated nursing- the absolute time I used to look forward to each day had become so painful both physically and emotionally. I lost not only my sweet little one, but now I had lost this beautiful nursing relationship. I suppose you could say I was depressed, but is weeks later (mid August I guess), I found out I was pregnant again. I was scared, like crazy scared. So scared that I went to have an ultrasound at 7weeks to confirm that indeed my baby had a heartbeat. Sure enough they did! We could finally tell our family and friends what had happened. I knew this baby would be the healing I needed. At 23 weeks we found out baby #5 was a girl. So ya know how my husband has 5 brothers and NO sisters? Yeah. I looked a fool laying there in shock and awe at this revelation. At 40wks and 4 days, after 8 hours of labor, I birthed a very large 9lb10oz and 22inches long baby GIRL- the silly picture was spot on. Lol I'll have to go into more details about her pregnancy, but for now that's all you have to know. Emma Ruth is happy, health, and a big eater and light sleeper. VERY different from Abby, but amazing little person she is keeps my mind on the brink of insanity while the other three keep me so busy I forget about how tired I am. Soooo... That's basically that's the important update to bring y'all back to where I'm at. I just turned 29, my oldest just turned 5, and I have four kiddos... Yikes! Life just got more fun. Spread the word- Brown Eyed Girl is back in bloggy business and now that I have a reliable Internet source I can actually stay in the mix. :-) Till next time!!!

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