Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ermy Wormy and Colic

Wow- so to start off, my excuse for not writing in the last couple days is that the severe rainstorm made its way into our Sentra's trunk via the key fob in the hands of overly curious children. I am on my husband's company iPad until we can get our new laptop from my very tech savvy and very gracious Daddy (he builds computers on the side as a hobby). The flooding here did not effect us directly although the rain did keep business away for a bit (hard to clean windows and do roof washes  when the weather is torrential). Anyhow... Who would've figured that my fourth child would be the "sensitive" one. I mean I'm an experienced mother of babies after all and I should know what I'm doing. Actually, I have no clue what to do. Emma cries, like beet red in the face, and can't get to sleep , and in her over tired state can't suck on anything properly which frustrates her all the more. Her condition has developed over the past couple of days to the point where I have asked myself where my sweet baby that kinda slept went to. I have put on white noise, had Emma in the swing swaddled, I wear her during the day (look up baby wearing/wrapping), and somehow I find the time to lay on the couch to put her to sleep on her belly. After half an hour she is awake and visibly tired, screaming and crying for nursing and then cries some more until she falls asleep again. She does have awake/alert moments where she is "happy", but they are few and far between and don't last very long. I think she might have colic. I posted a, "What the heck do I do?!" kinda question on the natural parenting page and well, I have tried pretty much everything thy recommended except for this thing called "Coleif" and taking dairy out of my diet (I exclusively breast feed so this avenue makes sense). I'm also now taking a digestive enzyme and hoping that helps as well. I've read that colic can last until 3-4 months of age which is quite discouraging to me since she is only 5 weeks old, but I guess it's better than say a year or lifetime. I really should be thankful that only one of my now four kids is this "difficult" or should I say "having a hard time adjusting internally and externally to life outside the womb" child. Aside from the not knowing how to really help her, taking dairy out is very hard and I won't even know if its working within a one to two week time frame. I miss yogurt and to a lesser extent cheese. I don't drink pasteurized cow's milk anymore so that doesn't bother me. Yesterday I wanted to curl up all fetal position and cry, but taking a placenta pill and a call from my mom helped immensely. I have a verse taped to the clear spot right above my toilet that gives me hope: 1 Corinthians 12:9 "And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest on me." I feel so raw, brought to my knees and really questioning what God could possibly be thinking in allowing this. Although I know it could be much worse, I do know that I am a real whiner about things concerning my kids simply because my home life is really overwhelming at the moment. Four kiddos five and under, only one of which can actually reach things and has the coordination to feed and clothe herself. Unfortunately she is also the only one who can think of all the reasons and express those reasons to not do as I've asked her. Ha... Ha. I am weak, but He is strong. I am in the process of being made strong. One day I may laugh at all this, but for right now I will do what parents have been doing forward centuries and millennia... By the grace of The Lord God in Heaven they do what they have to and make it to the end of each day not knowing if tomorrow will bring the same challenge or a different one which may or may not be more difficult. For today- this is what I have been given: a screaming baby who just wants to know her mama will be there to help her feel better and three other kids who in their own way desire the same thing. I am not enough, but I knows Who is...

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