Sunday, July 24, 2011

Finding Ways to Make Some Moo-la While Doing Something I Enjoy

Don't get me wrong- I love my "job". Being a stay at home mom, holding down the fort, saving money where I can, and having the freedom to get up and go whenever the need arises... but it doesn't pay well (at all). I figure any way to earn a little extra could help. I'm not talking about a "serious" job (I already have one of those). I'm talking about something part time (spare time) and something that won't interfere with the running of this house because whether I feel like it or not, this house doesn't run without me. I've discovered that those little ads at the top of my blog can actually earn me some money. Here's where I need your help. If you like this blog, share it. Even if you DON'T like reading about my crazy randomness- share me. And while you share and share and share- click on those ad links at the top and help a girl out. Oh- and comment on my posts (not on Facebook- on my actual blog). I enjoy getting feedback- positive and negative.

Now that I've asked a favor from all my FB friends... here's something I can do for you. My goal is to keep you updated on a minimum weekly basis (maybe on a daily basis! Wouldn't that be something?!) Get EXCITED because in the upcoming weeks you're gonna find out how my labor/delivery went, probably see Abby's first pics, get updates on how Abby's doing, how I'm doing, breastfeeding conundrums (hopefully the lack thereof), my experience with flat diapers on a newborn, random ramblings from a sleep deprived momma (they will probably get crazy too- just saying), adjusting to my new part of life's journey, the emotional (hormonal) upheaval postpartum, and the reality of caring for three kiddos ages 3,1, and a brand spankin' new! I'm all excited just thinking about it! :-) So- SHARE ME, LIKE ME, CLICK ON THE ADS! :-D It will all be much appreciated. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SOOO enjoy your blogs!! Yes, just like sitting down with a friend. Only thing missing is a cup of coffee. One question, are you sure the links we click on are safe? I clicked on Lindt Chocolates, that sounded pretty safe :) Would I like to be a consultant? You bet!! Maybe I'll settle for hot chocolate, cold!! Blessings!!