Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I don't know how to start this. It's 1:27am and I should be asleep, but I actually have a few minutes (or an hour maybe) to jot down my ponderings in peace and quiet.

Shiloh: "His gift." or "He who was sent." This is used today as a gender neutral name, but in Hebrew actually given to male children. Christmas time is upon us (and HOW!) once again and it's at this particular time we remember Christ as the little baby in the manger... before He had hundreds of followers, before the Pharisees took notice, and before the cruel Cross. Here Jesus lies peacefully asleep as His earthly father, earthly mother, a few shepherds, and a bunch of animals look on (the wisemen came a little later). There He is... God's gift, He who was sent.

Each of my children's names was specifically given as a means to point others to Christ so when a person asks what does their name mean it opens up a grand opportunity.

"Phoebe"- light bringer/ shining one
"Lynn"- "lake, waterfall, or pool"/ if derived from Linda "pretty" (this was also my grandmother's middle name and she went home to be with the Lord about a week before Phoebe was born.)

So Phoebe is my pretty light bringer. My hope and prayer is that one day she will show the world the beautiful and true Light of Jesus Christ.

"Stephen"- Crowned
"Benjamin"- Son of my right hand

So Stephen's name reminds me that Christ is crowned, sitting at the right had of the Father making intercession for us. My hope and prayer is that he will be like Stephen mentioned in the book of Acts- a man full of the Spirit and trustworthy in the service of the Lord.

This brings me back to Shiloh... His gift, He who was sent. It's not "A gift" nor is it just "gift". Shiloh meas HIS gift- a gift from God Almighty! Each of my children are HIS gift to me. They are sent from God above with a purpose and oh what a blessing my three children are to me!

No... that's not a typo. There are three. Tuesday I took a test with a very faint line. This morning I took another two and there lies the proof. I'm thinking I might have to take a picture. I am aware that most people see us as ridiculous for letting God give us children in His own time (and however many He gives as well), but here we are. In June we will celebrate 4 years of wedded bliss and in August we will welcome our third child, our little Shiloh (not their "real" name- we've got a while to come up with that). Whether our little Shiloh is a boy or a girl (which is highly doubtful, BUT God can do ANYTHING! Hey, He gave us Phoebe- the daughter we never thought we could have) they are His GIFT to us. It also may sound silly for us to tell the world soon after three positive pregnancy tests, but you can all be praying for us now, that we will deliver a healthy baby in 8 months.

Shiloh, my little Shiloh. You are not an inconvenience. You are not an unplanned baby, for God had planned you before the world began. You are a human being. You are my child. You are a gift, His gift to this world and to this Mommy. You may be only millimeters long, but you are incredibly loved. :-) My prayer is that I see you in 8 months face to face, but if not, I will see you in glory. :-)


wayne said...

I think Shiloh would be a perfect name. I really like you final paragragh.

Unknown said...

What a loving mother you are!