Friday, December 3, 2010

The Blessings of a Small House

I truly believe sometimes God gives us a random sweet thought to bring us into an attitude of thanksgiving. This morning I was focusing on doing the laundry, cleaning the dishwasher plagued by San Antonio hard-water, and making sure that my little son's diaper is constantly dry or changed (he is battling a bad rash right now). So much to do it seems and I kept thinking, "Ugh- I can't wait to get out of this little house with it's small kitchen, cracked foundation, small bathroom (only one), and make-shift third bedroom (was a garage)." As I was closing my daughter's bedroom door (to make sure that my son didn't crawl in there) a thought came to me. The design of this house and the size is just right for us. Our living area and kitchen/ dining area are on one side of the house and the doors to our bedrooms and bathroom are clustered in our little hallway dividing the house in half. I only need walk mere inches from my bedroom door to the children's doors and the bathroom (though indeed small) opens to my son's room as well which means I don't have to lug the diaper pail far (we do cloth diapers). The 1150 sq. ft. that we call home only takes an hour or two to sweep, mop, vacuum, and move back furniture and I don't have to spread these tasks over a few days like some of my comrades.
If I could design a home it would probably look similar to this one (except with a larger kitchen, dining area and bathroom (maybe an extra one as well to accomadate our growing family)). Not that I don't look forward to maybe getting a larger house, but I'm sure I will miss these days when we do. This house is small enough to know exactly where both of my children are at all times (which for their age is VERY important!) and I don't have very far to run when one of my little ones has gotten themselves into a precarious predicament.
One of the brothers at our little chapel said once, "We shouldn't focus on Thanksgiving. We should be thanks-living." Thank You Lord for bringing to my mind the blessings you have graciously given to me. :-)

1 comment:

wayne said...

We raised 3 kids in our 1100 square feeot house. Now two of the adult kids have had to move back in with two grandchildren. Four adults and 2 teens in 1100 square feet. It can be done.