Today at noon we had the second sonogram. They told me to drink 32oz of fluid (water for me thanks) 30 minutes before the appointment and I got there 15 minutes early. Let me tell you... I was DYING! I have NEVER needed to go to the bathroom so bad in my life. Totally worth it because they needed to see my little one's head to take pictures to see if the choroid plexus cyst had resolved itself. When they called me back to the ultrasound room, I was on the verge of tears because I was so uncomfortable. The technician said she'd take pics and then let me relieve myself before they did measurements of the rest of her. Those were the longest moments of my life... not only because I wanted to know if the CPC was gone, but also because I had to use every ounce of strength and determination to keep from exploding on the gurney. Let me just say that I've never felt such relief after using the restroom. Sorry if this is just TMI, but I told Larry I'll probably have a similar experience in the minutes after our little one is born (yes it was THAT bad).
So I returned to the room after doin' my business and we continued with the ultrasound. Larry came in the room (he was running a little late) and the technician took measurements and pictures for us to gaze on whilst we await our precious child. So here are some things we found out:
*They put my due date at August 12th, 2011 (which matches the due date I come up with when I figure it from the date of conception). I'm 31 weeks and 5 days! :-D
*We confirmed that our little person is a GIRL! (yay! I don't have to switch everything back!)
*Abby (the short version of her 95% sure name) is measuring 4lbs 3oz now... which means that if she doubles her weight between here and delivery time she could easily be 8lbs (YAY!!!)
*And most importantly the CPC is indeed gone and nothing is present that could hinder our plans for a home birth. :-)
We are so thankful for the prayers and thoughts. God is good. If you would please pray for a healthy remainder of this pregnancy and a safe and smooth delivery- they would be MUCH appreciated. :-)
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