Wednesday, April 20, 2011

24 Weeks!!!!

It apparently takes me way too long to write a new blog. :-p Too much energy or something. I am now 24 weeks pregnant and yesterday was our midwife appointment. It was a good visit to say the least. Shiloh is very healthy and very energetic. It seems like every time we try to hear her heartbeat she becomes this crazy wiggle worm and kicks like crazy. hehe The midwife and the midwife-in-training even saw Shi bob up. It was exhilarating! :-) That was the highlight of our visit. The rest of the visit was good too, but in a different way. Unfortunately for you this part of our journey will remain a private matter. Don't worry- all concerned parties are safe and there is no reason to worry. We're realizing more and more that each pregnancy is different physically, emotionally, and mentally. If you believe in the power of prayer continue to pray now for each of these aspects for us. I'm learning that my mental and emotional well-being really do matter and can have consequences in physical realm if not addressed. I'm so thankful for such a supportive husband, patient children, with my family and friends here in SA-Town. I'm also coming to grips that I will have to ask for help when Shiloh is born. I'm not one to ask because I feel like it would be burdensome to so many, but in this situation it will be necessary. If I'm a tad secretive from now until Shiloh is born it is simply because we are now facing something that I should have expected with my family history, but now must experience in the privacy of my close circle here in San Antonio. You're probably saying, "This is a blog- shouldn't you feel free to share?!" I wish I were THAT comfortable, but I'm not- especially when it comes to this specific trial. You could pray for me and my family though. God knows what it is and He knows His purpose in it. There's a song from Laura Story that I've com across recently that has really helped me cope. The song is called "Blessings" and I'll probably add it in a post or something. All I know is that the things we're facing are not placed in our lives to push us away from God, but to draw us toward His loving arms. It's not easy. It's a decision I must make moment by moment- whether to be defeated or to rise up, to walk away or run toward. Only a few more months. Just a little while and we will be holding our precious little girl. That moment will make all of this worth it. :-) By the way... we are planning on having a home birth. Exciting! The last time we attempted one- it didn't go so well and we had to go to the hospital. So yet another prayer request if you will. :-) Lots of reasons, but the main one is my own comfort and healing. Thanks for reading!!! :-D

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