Thursday, January 15, 2009


I can't eat anything for 10 days. The reason: I'm cleansing my body. For a while I've had bloating, gas pain that could make you reel, and just not a happy system. So I found a way that will help with these things plus help me lose a little in the middle as well as not crave fast food (a miracle if this actually works). SO here goes. And for you who are wondering... I am not nursing anymore- haven't been for almost a month so believe me Phoebe will not be affected by anything other than mommy's minor crankiness.

Day 1 Morning- I'm feeling excited about having a happy system. I'm not doing it so much for the weight loss as I am for the other perks- not having to cluch my abdomen in pain after I eat lentils for example. I'd like to have more energy (which is also a major perk). I'm drinking laxative tea for breakfast (or the other option is 32oz of salt water), 6 glasses of cayanne lemon water/juice, and another laxative tea at night before I go to bed. Sounds easy until you put the "you can't eat for 10 days" in there. Now I'm also doing this to see if it indeed does work- if it does that's awesome. If it doesn't- I didn't spend more than 20 dollars for what I needed and when you're basically starving your system out and flushing it you're bound to lose a little weight. The tea doesn't taste good, but what medicinal natural stuff does? I'm thinking to myself it's only 9 more days until this is ALL OVER. Probably not the best thing to think, but whatever gets you through I suppose. I also think what am I gonna do all day when food is so near and dear to me? What am I gonna think when I have to cook Larry's dinner and Phoebe's lunch? Am I gonna make it? AND THIS IS ONLY THE FIRST DAY! So... if y'all could pray that I don't fail that'd be great. Man- after this tea I'm feeling like I NEED to drink at least 6 glasses of water to just get the nasty taste out of my mouth! :-P But I remain hopeful in a little part of me that I will feel great after this is complete. So yay for my cleanse. :-) P.S.- Phoebe is a happy baby and being very kind to me (we'll see how long this lasts).

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