Monday, January 26, 2009

Waiting For A Concert... Hey It Was Free, Okay!

It was cold outside and there we were waitin' in the line which felt like a couple miles long. Just us two since the baby was havin' a blast at the chapel fun night. So there we were waitin' in the cold outside (a whoppin' 40 or 50- something: freezing the few of us who can't stand the weather to be less than 60 something) just the two of us. Jeremy Camp- here we come! or so we thought. There were hundreds if not a couple thousand people in front of us in line. So even though we really didn't talk that much while we waited- my mind was wandering. And so I wandered- thinkin' about how much fun it used to be to go to concerts. We had only been to two where we were actually at the same event and they had been a blast. We didn't have to wait this long in line because they hadn't been free. So it was kinda like being in college for an hour or so- the excitement of seeing a concert again. I put my hand in your pocket to keep it warm and I sang "You are my sunshine" a couple of times which I think either thoroughly amused you or thoroughly embarrassed you. I took a few pictures along the way so we could remember how dumb this was to wait all that time just to see one man sing, but you really wanted to see this guy sing because he's your favorite musical artist ever. We eventually left because they weren't letting anyone else in- anything free is bound to fill up fast- right? So we got in the car- you're sulking a little and talking about how Cornerstone Church should've done a better job at making this happen so thousands of people -like us- wouldn't have wasted their precious time standing in line and not gettin' to see what they waited for, but we're off to reality and a fun-filled time with other families and children. No more waitin'. :-D But even if we had to wait a little longer- there's no other person I'd rather wait with than you. :-D (on the upside- I got to see a Smart car up close and personal which made my time waitin' almost worth it)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cherry Lesson

Around 2:15pm I was eating cherries that my mom in law gave to me last night. Phoebe started whining and eventually I let her suck on half of the one I was eating, that happened a few times and everything was fine. Then the last one I gave her decided to slip out of my finger tips as she was sucking on it. So down goes the cherry half. It comes to my attention that they're little esophagus isn't big enough to handle that so for just a mili-second I watch to see if she'll just spit it out- nope. I can see that she can't breathe so I swoop her up out of her highchair, put her over my knee, hold her tummy over my left arm, and with my right arm I smack her on the back, she starts crying weakly, but no cherry... so I smack her on the back again and this time I see the cherry on the floor. I pick her up and try to soothe a not crying baby which was weird because I thought she'd be totally freaked out. I was the freaker-outer. She was fine- just fine. Here I am a nervous wreck, but nothing to worry about. Point made- never give cherry halves to a child without teeth- tey'll suck it up and choke on it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's SOOOO Over

Around 9pm last night we went to bed- I was reeling with gut pain. It got so bad I even dreamed about it. Around 11pm is when the real trouble started. I got up to use the bathroom and as soon as I sat down my gut started crampin' and I got nauseated and felt like I was going to throw up... I called for Larry and he was there in a flash. I said "I'm not feeling well at all." and then my head started feeling weird and I got the same feeling I had right after Phoebe was born. I felt so weak, I could hardly pick up the cup that Larry gave me which was full of water. I felt dizzy and after a sip or two of water I thought I felt better, but alas- no. I was still dizzy and still nauseated and still VERY weak- I really thought I was going to fall off the toilet. So Larry ran to the kitchen and grabbed a slice of whole wheat bread and told me that this was it- no more cleanse. I was glad that I had the meager amount of strength to lift that bite up to my mouth because after that slice was consumed I felt like "me" again. The nausea and dizziness went away and soon my strength was coming back which was good because if it didn't I would've been on the toilet for the rest of the night or on the floor. So... that's why it's over. The good news to report is that I fit in my size 4 high-waisted khaki pants from the GAP (which are always big) that were a little snug around the waist. But I am still a 6 in normal pants which is okay- it's better than being in the hospital or the bathroom floor taking a long nap. My stomach shrank and I could only drink a glass of water and eat one of the pancakes I made for Larry and I this morning. I feel like I've failed at something that seemed so simple to do- so straight forward that it couldn't be so hard to do it. But I must say it's good to eat again. :-) The best thing about this is that my Larry is very supportive of having a wifey that's back to normal. And so am I. :-D

Friday, January 16, 2009

End of Day 2- UGH!

Today was sooo hard! I wasn't feeling good already and at the end of the day when Larry got home I was so weak and discouraged- I want food soooo very badly. But I must stay strong. I figured it out that I just have a serious need to chew. So I fixed that! I got like 6 different flavors of gum. It helped sooo much after I drank the nasty laxative tea- I didn't feel nauseated afterwards like I did yesterday. :-) I can't wait to get sleepy so I can sleep- you burn less energy and you wake up feeling less hungry than right before you go down. I'm physically tired, but mentally I'm like wide awake. *sigh* I hope tomorrow's better. Phoebe was very kind to me today. She only bonked herself 4 times and screamed 5. It's hard doing this and constantly being mentally on guard. We both survived today and since Larry will be home tomorrow I'm gonna ask him if he'll just make his own food. Do you know how cruel and unusual it is to make someone cook food and not eat it?! It's like showing raw flesh to a tiger! Ugh- I'm craving doritos right now because that was a part of Larry's dinner. I hope after all this is over I wo'nt crave doritos. I watched three movies today. One was Amelie- HORRIBLE! Russian Ark- WEIRD! Dreamgirls- that one was decent. (these are only my personal opinions- if you like the movies good for you) It helped pass the time so that's the only reason I didn't turn them off when I really wanted to. I'm feeling so desperate to find things to get me through the next day, but as long as I get through these next 8 days- I'll be happy. Pray that I don't go crazy and that the Lord gives me grace to just get through this- and pray that this whole thing works for me because if it doesn't I will be sooooo sad.

Beginning Day 2

Arrggh- want food very bad. But I'm not feeling sick like I was yesterday. I'm getting crabby and I snapped at Larry last night (very sad about that). He forgave me and we're good now. :-) I figured it out. If I don't spend excess energy on walking and stuff I'll feel better. If I watch movies all day- the time goes by and I don't pay attention to how hungry I am. I am tired. The little acidophilus wafers (take 3 a day like te bottle says)- help my chewing urge. Oh yeah and the tums (which I took when I was pregnant- don't worry I bought a new bottle) help too. I also found out my day starts better if I do the salt water instead of the laxative tea in the morning. I need to read. I'm tired. I'm cranky. I'm hungry... BUT I'm excited about what is going on in my body- the craving for chicken hasn't gone away, but the craving for pasta has. I still want bread really bad, but not candy. I think I can do this... I'm feeling more confident about my success in this. :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I can't eat anything for 10 days. The reason: I'm cleansing my body. For a while I've had bloating, gas pain that could make you reel, and just not a happy system. So I found a way that will help with these things plus help me lose a little in the middle as well as not crave fast food (a miracle if this actually works). SO here goes. And for you who are wondering... I am not nursing anymore- haven't been for almost a month so believe me Phoebe will not be affected by anything other than mommy's minor crankiness.

Day 1 Morning- I'm feeling excited about having a happy system. I'm not doing it so much for the weight loss as I am for the other perks- not having to cluch my abdomen in pain after I eat lentils for example. I'd like to have more energy (which is also a major perk). I'm drinking laxative tea for breakfast (or the other option is 32oz of salt water), 6 glasses of cayanne lemon water/juice, and another laxative tea at night before I go to bed. Sounds easy until you put the "you can't eat for 10 days" in there. Now I'm also doing this to see if it indeed does work- if it does that's awesome. If it doesn't- I didn't spend more than 20 dollars for what I needed and when you're basically starving your system out and flushing it you're bound to lose a little weight. The tea doesn't taste good, but what medicinal natural stuff does? I'm thinking to myself it's only 9 more days until this is ALL OVER. Probably not the best thing to think, but whatever gets you through I suppose. I also think what am I gonna do all day when food is so near and dear to me? What am I gonna think when I have to cook Larry's dinner and Phoebe's lunch? Am I gonna make it? AND THIS IS ONLY THE FIRST DAY! So... if y'all could pray that I don't fail that'd be great. Man- after this tea I'm feeling like I NEED to drink at least 6 glasses of water to just get the nasty taste out of my mouth! :-P But I remain hopeful in a little part of me that I will feel great after this is complete. So yay for my cleanse. :-) P.S.- Phoebe is a happy baby and being very kind to me (we'll see how long this lasts).

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why I Write About My SKIA AKA Mi Esposo

You could call it the Newlywed Syndrome, but I think we're passed that stage. I am simply in awe when I look back to the moment we met through the past four and a half years. We've been married for a year and seven months. Funny- that's how long we had been courting before he proposed. So here's our story- for those who have not heard it a million times before.

It was the day before I turned 20 and I was joining my BSM crew for the leadership retreat. I had heard there was this new guy from San Antonio College and his name was Larry. Immediately I had a picture of this fat, short dude in my mind and BOY was I WRONG! I saw this tall, dark haired guy who was nowhere near fat- very athletic actually. So I asked my friend Andy to introduce me. I figured that this was the Larry, but wasn't sure because of my preconcieved notions. So Andy intro's me and yep- that's Larry. The first thing I noticed about him was that he was a man of integrity (and he hadn't even opened his mouth yet!) The close second thing I noticed was WOWZAH!- He's cute! After the retreat I told myself that I had to get to know this guy better. So long story a little less long- we end up getting to know eachother because I had to wake him up every Monday morning at 5 so he wouldn't be late to the meetings (and yeah- I volunteered to do that). He had no clue that I had feelings for him and I didn't either until one night. It was the Saturday after my parents moved to North Carolina- the BSM had gone to the Chris Tomlin concert and that night I asked God to either do something with these feelings or take them away. So over the next few months I was distracted by another guy (no need to mention his name) and around February I came to the conclusion that it wouldn't work out between me and this guy- good thing. The BSM was planning to go to Mexico for Spring Break to do VBS and stuff and guess who was going too? Yep- Larry. A friend of mine was into Larry too and making THAT story a bit shorter- the result of that was Larry coming to me asking if there was something he had done to make her think that he was into her. I said well... no (and I didn't say that because I liked him) . And I thought that maybe he was thinking why would anyone be into him and I felt stupid because I was soooooo into him. So silly me- I opened my BIG mouth and said, "Well I had a huge crush on you... LAST semester." yeah I wasn't foolin' anyone. The Lord knew what He was doin'. So while in Mexico it hapenned that wherever he was I was and vice-versa- not on purpose though I promise- again the Lord knew what He was doing. So we had to write letters to everyone who went and his said to me "we'll talk when we get back to San Antonio." I was like what? So Longer story shorter... the Sunday after we get back we begin our exclusive relaitonship. He had never been in a relationship before and me- well I had a few under my belt and not so good. I was at the point where dating was not the way to go- I was in it to win it and apparently so was Larry. I left for two and a half months as a summer missionary to Oregon which was rough, and I missed Larry a LOT, but it strengthened our relationship. We didn't kiss eachother for the first time until 11 months into the relationship- which most people would've called us crazy. After a lot of waiting he asked my parents in March of 2006 if he could have me forever and after more waiting- He proposed on October 23rd, 2006 and we were married on June 9th, 2007. We found out we were having a baby on September 26th, and we welcomed our daughter on May 15th- four years and 3 days after we met. Whew!

So the reason I talk about him so much and look back on our journey is because it reminds me constantly of what we have. Sure it may get tough smetimes and we get frustrated, but we're in it to win it- we are partners, lovers, BEST friends, and a crazy couple FOR LIFE! Someone told me that you've gotta remember where you came from to know where you're going and here we are. I remember telling Larry that he was my best guy friend in the whole world and he still is. I am married to my best friend- CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! That's the way it's supposed to be right? :-D I knew that I wanted him in my life until the day I die and now I will (unless of course he dies first, but I hope Jesus come back before then.) So long story done- I am so glad that God gave me Larry to marry. :-D There's no other man more suited for the role of Husband. AND no other man who could be a better daddy to our little blessing! I LOVE YOU HONEY!