Monday, November 8, 2010

Just One...

Sometimes I just need to remind myself how great a salvation I have...

One sin destroyed this world and sent the universe into decline. Sheer perfection wrecked and ravaged by one disobedience. Beautiful unadulterated fellowship thrown out the window with one fell swoop. JUST ONE! If that had been the first and the last sin ever committed Christ still would have gone to the cross. The blood of animals can only cover the sin. Millions of animals were slain in the old testament, but their blood did not take away the sin. Only Christ could take them away. But not just in His word or living a perfect life. Without blood there is no remission of sins. So Christ had to die.

There is nothing in me that could tell God, "Hey- I'm awesome. You have to love me." Nothing I could do or say would ever make me deserve His grace or mercy. Nothing about me brings me to the throne of the Almighty. In fact the bible says that all my righteousness is as FILTHY rags. If I cleaned the floors, the bathtub, toilet, the ceiling fans, the outside of my house, and the street that runs in front of the house with one rag, it wouldn't begin to describe the FILTH in comparison to the rags of my righteousness in the presence of the perfection of God. What a pitiful sight it is to work to get God's favor. Ephesians 2:8-9 says that "by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it if the GIFT of God: Not of works lest any man should boast." Me coming to God and saying, "Okay- I'm pretty good. Here I'll give you these rags. Now let me into Heaven." Puh-lease! How dare I?

Just one. One sin. One sinner. That's all it took to send Christ to the cross. He was bruised, beaten, and humiliated physically. But that's all we could see on the outside. We can't imagine what was happening on the inside. The waves and billows of the storm of punishment on our, on my, behalf. The sorrow beforehand, the sorrow to be separated from His Father in whom He had CONTINUAL fellowship from eternity past. We can't begin to fathom what that was like. When I was in labor with Phoebe, the doctor told Larry to go out of the hospital room while they put in the epidural- THIS was the moment I needed Larry the most, but he was required to leave! I can't begin to explain my human agony in those moments when I so desperately needed Larry. In comparison to God the Father separating from Christ the Son- beloved of the Father for those horrific hours- how insignificant my little ordeal! All for me- a wretched undeserving sinner.

What a salvation is THIS!!! My sin sent Him there. My secret sin and my very public sin... if I had just sinned once in my life- that ONE sin would have sent Christ to the cross. Oh my dear Savior- "in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the RICHES of His GRACE." "But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." The Blood was not sprinkled on me. I was not dipped in it. I was drenched, covered, and saturated by it! This is the only way I can come into the presence of the Lord. "Oh Holy God, I am cleansed by the blood of Your Son- made white as snow. Thank You for accepting this glorious sacrifice and for adopting me into Your family."

I am not simply saved by the blood (but even if that were all- that would be enough), I have now become a daughter of the King of the universe! I can climb into the lap of the Almighty and whisper my desires and disasters, my hurt and my happiness. He tells me, "Come and let's talk." Though He knows it all, He simply wants me to speak- to boldly come into His presence and lay at His feet my troubles and in return take up the peace He offers.

Each day is a good day to remind myself of the Amazing Grace given to me. At the Cross, at the cross where I first saw the light... moment by moment, day by day, I need Thee EVERY hour!. Lest I forget Thine agony... lest I forget Thy love for me... LEAD me to Calvary! I so easily go my own way and that's where I get in trouble. When I live in the reality of the Cross and rest in the shadow of His wings I am wholly and completely me... the "me" that God intended.