An image peers back
All battered and bruised
Someone defeated
Both lonely and used
A young woman's heart
With hate for herself
A desire to be noticed
Leaves her Soul on the shelf
Why don't I look
The way others do
Magazines and movies
Tell me the truth
This world wants one thing
A pencil thin waist
With bones poking out
Yet covered in lace
The mirror it screams
Just a few more pounds
I can't take it no more
Her brokenness sounds
Then a voice in a whisper
So sweet in her ear
You are fearfully made
And cherished my Dear
Why do you hate
What I skillfully craft
I know you better
And I never make trash
Every cell in your body
Every last one
Is something quite special
Yet I am not done
I have a plan and a purpose
For this beauty so rare
To shine in this world
So do not despair
I love you so much
That I died for you
I would not have said this
If it were not true
This world does not see
What real beauty means
For it does not know
The Creator it seems
So trust that I
Made you so unique
And what I placed in you
Is what you should seek