I don't know how to start out this note. All I'm asking of you as the reader is to not make any judgment on the note until you've read ALL the way through. Keep your mind open and at the end leave a comment- with civility please.
1) the concept of justice and fairness is embedded in our innermost being
A child would say if mom gave Billy an apple and didn't get one for me- it's not fair! More seriously, if a murderer took your child's life and the judge let him go- we'd all agree that justice was not served. When justice is served, there's something inside that applauds the outcome.
2) technology cannot compare to the intricacies of the human anatomy
Consider the brain. Everything we can do, speak, or think is controlled by this organ. A computer runs as slow as molasses in the dead of winter compared to the power and ingenuity of the human brain. The human brain invented the computer and is still building upon that invention! When something new is invented and helps lots of people, we pat ourselves on the back and say, "Well done!" or wow- that kid's smart!
3) the concept of caring for another person
We go to all sorts of countries and governments and peoples to feed them, clothe them, adopt their children... the list goes on and on! We set up organizations so that we can help other people and when we do we feel "good". Something inside makes us proud of that accomplishment.
4) the concept of love
This one is the catalyst for so many things. The love of a friend for a friend. The love of a mother (I can tell you this one is beyond powerful). The love of a father. The love of a mentor to their student. The love of an adopted parent to their newly added family member. The love of grandparents. The kind of love that would make a person jump into the street to prevent a stranger from being hit by a car! Some people think that it's just a feeling or hormones running through the brain, but I say that feelings won't push that person out of the path of a speeding car. Love has to be given. And when we love someone it seems we'd do anything to make their life better.
5) the concept of pleasure
We enjoy things. We enjoy the sunrise, the sky painted just so (and no picture could come close to capturing the beauty of it- although many have tried), the taste of sweet candy, the smell of a rose or a special perfume, the way a shirt feels when you put it on right out of the dryer! All these things give us a little bit of happiness and we call that happiness pleasure.
Now I will introduce my questions:
How would it be possible for the inventor of humans to not have any of these qualities? Let's use our own logic for a little bit.
You wouldn't say that Picasso or Michelangelo didn't have a talent for painting.
You couldn't say that the architect of the Empire State building knew nothing about structures.
You would never say that Mother Theresa was in it for the money.
So why would anyone assume that the creator of these concepts and intricacies not contain these qualities? If God gave us the concept of pleasure- wouldn't you assume that He knows everything about it? If God made the body so it would perform like an athlete and invent things like a computer, we must assume that He knows everything about how it runs, what does and doesn't work, and is more intelligent than anyone. If God gave us the concept of caring... why would He walk away?
No one would assume that the creator is less than the creation. That goes against all logic! All the qualities present in object must be present in the maker.
Let us go further... I still have two more concepts.
If God gave us the concept of justice- the sense of right and wrong... He would have to be perfect. Someone who doesn't understand that stealing is wrong couldn't tell us that stealing is wrong. Alot of people say that God is "HOLY" and cannot be in the presence of sin. This tells us that sin has to be dealt with. A judge that is a good judge would not let a rapist go free or let a thief keep stealing. There has to be punishment for that crime. So the God who created the concept of justice has to be just and perfectly just, at that!. If God is perfect then He logically cannot go against Himself... if He had ever done anything wrong He would no longer be perfectly just and this cannot be said of the creator of justice.
Why would anyone think that simply because God is good and caring He'd automatically let us off the hook? Logically- this makes no sense. They fail to recognize God's just-ness and holiness.
Finally, LOVE. If God created love... the kind that would make a stranger jump into the street to prevent a pedestrian from being hit by a car... shouldn't that say something about the way He loves? Why would it be so far from our comprehension that the God of the universe and creator of all things would love with such immense love as to die for us? Wouldn't He have to care about us- after all isn't He the inventor of our concept of caring?
Almost every single religion in the world says you have to get to heaven by doing good. At the end of your life- if you've done enough good you'll be rewarded. Well... how do you know that you're being good is good enough? What about your thoughts- do those count too?
I have to say that based on what I just wrote... if the creator of justice allowed this to be the way to heaven- He couldn't be fair!
A judge has to have certain guidelines to go by when presented with a case because they have to be treated equally and with all fairness. So what has to be the standard? Perfection. If a judge said to a rapist, "Okay- you've been a decent contributor to the community, you made honor roll in high school and were on the dean's list in college- I'll let you go." Would you say that the judge's decision was correct?! I'd hope not!!! That's like telling God, "Maybe I've lied, or stolen, or even worse, but I've done lots more that's good- let me into heaven." There has to be a standard by which to judge everyone equally and fairly- and the only logical standard to use on everyone is perfection.
So if the creator is caring and loving as well as just... wouldn't He make a clear way for us to get to heaven? I mean- more people than not believe that there's a heaven right? If He cared, why would He just let us try and figure it out on our own? Would a parent say okay- you get candy, but you have to (and completely leaves off what you need to do)? Are you supposed to do everything you can to get that candy and what if you still leave something out... you don't get the candy. A parent wouldn't do that!!! Why would God do that? God clearly states in the bible that the only way to Heaven is through this Jesus Christ. But you say, "That's so narrow minded!" Well... do any of the other religions come up with a clear cut path to heaven? It's all about being good, right? But we've discussed that already. It's obvious we can't save ourselves.
My hope is that this made you think a little bit. Based on feedback, I would like to continue this subject matter in another note. :-) Thanks for reading.
If you want to discuss this in further detail... make comments. I'd love to get your feedback.