Kinda catchy title huh? Well... today I had just come in from digging in the garden and Phoebe had just woken up from her first nap of the day. I sat her down on the floor for a moment and of course the siren goes off from her precious little mouth. Then at that moment I heard a knock on the door. I'm thinking "Great! CPS has come to take my child away." Sarcastic of course. So I scoop up my princess and as she stops screaming I answer the door to find two women with an invitation. They are dressed pretty conservatively and here I am in denim shorts and a workout shirt (I was workin' outside after all). I almost feel embarrassed until they start talking. The "bigger" lady said we want to invite you to a Rememberance Service and at that point I get really excited because she used the word rememberance. I actually almost forgot Easter is this Sunday. In my excitement I said "Cool- we have a remmeberance service EVERY Sunday!" I tell her that it's according to New Testament Scripture and with that she swoops out her bible (mine was not in my own hands because my daughter demands two hands now) and shows me Romans and I was like yeah- that's it! I told her that it really changes your outlook on life when you remember what Christ did EVERY week. She kinda looked at me weird. Her friend just smiled sweetly. So they once again told me that I was invited and that it was free of charge- and she repeated free of charge in a slightly uncomfortable tone. So I said I'd ask my husband about it- with that they gave me the flyer and turned to go and I said the Lord bless you! and smiled and waved a little wave. They told me to have a good day. It was only when I actually read the flyer that I realized- they were Jehovah's Witnesses!!!! Silly Libby. It all made sense- the going out by two, knocking on doors, inviting me to something, I never thought they had rememberance services. Oh yeah and they invited me to a bible study (it was a very quick and hard to hear invitation). Maybe they knew that I wasn't going to their bible study. They seemed so nice, but *sigh*. Sometimes I'm envious of their desire to "go out" and invite people to things and even share the "message" with others. It's unfortunately a very convincingly false message.
Which brings to mind the other night Larry answered the door and there were two men who wanted to talk about spiritual things. I think Larry ended up witnessing to them, but he told me he sensed they weren't open. When he talked about the book of Romans (something they brought up) one of them actually said he hadn't really read through the whole thing- just studied bits here and there. I think Larry was kinda shocked because they're out HERE asking us questions about the "truth" and they don't know it themselves. I think if that young man had read the entirety of Romans he might renounce being a Jehovah's Witness.
We've had interesting visits to our house by Jehovah's Witnesses and we've only lived here since November! We really gotta pray for them- Satan uses a tiny bit of truth in his very convincing lies and unfortunately they've bought into it. :-( Even more unfortunate- so have some so called "Christians".
On a positive note- going back to what I was saying about their fervor to get out there. I'm not saying it's the only way to do things- there's a lot of other ways to tlak to people about Jesus- but the courage they have to talk to complete strangers and it doesn't seem to me that they are petrified if someone asks a question back. Going back to Larry's experience- one of them hadn't even read through the book of Romans (and Romans is NOT a big book)- even with that supposed hindrance- they are STILL out here! We should know the truth because without the truth it's easy to fall into a lie. God has so graciously allowed His word to be written and since it's there to read- read it. And since He hasn't given you the spirit of timidity- share His love and truth with a friend, a neighbor, a classmate, a co-worker, even a a famiy member. :-)
Someone once compared a woman's brain to a computer. Constantly running and full of pop-ups. Welcome to my kinda thinking.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
In The Garden
Or more like the would be garden.
I dug through the garden alone
While the Texas sun was not buuurrrrning
And He briiiiiings to me
A sweet thought you seeeeeeee
Aboooouuut Himself and myyyy caaaaaalliiiiing
And He walks with me and He talks with me
And He teeells me I am His ooooooowwwn
And the joyyyy we shaaaare as we tarry theeerre
None other has everrr knooooown.
I'm digging and scraping the weeds off the weed mat- lemme tell you it is NO easy feat. You gotta put your back and legs and arms into the whole motion if you're going to get even one of those little rascally weeds. AND to make matters worse- there's a bunch of pebbles on top of it. Whoever decided that having a weed mat with a bunch of pebbles is out of their mind. BUT underneath all that mess is clean, fresh dirt just waiting to be tilled, planted, and one day a harvest of veggies will spring forth giving my family wonderful fresh garden veggies.
SO- wihle I'm "slaving" away (my choice to put myself through that punishment) the Lord graciously gives food for thought. Here are a few comparisons that He allowed to stroll through my mind because I could never come up with these on my own.
It says in Matthew that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Have you ever worked the ground with bare hands? I wouldn't recommend it after my experience today. You come into contact with someone- say a neighbor. You know from personal experience the joy of coming to know the Lord Jesus and you say to yourself the Lord wants to do in my neighbor what He did in me- changed my life and gives me hope for eternity. But the trouble is that neighbor has a lot of overgrowth, they reject Jesus Christ either because of their background, prejudices towards other so called Christians, or they think it's intellectual suicide. So they see you live- think you're a "good" person, they want what you've got, then after many discussions of what Jesus did for them on Calvary and how He lives to intercede for us and how He wants to have a relationship with them... they ask Him to be their Savior. Sometimes it takes years of living for Christ and having those discussions and praying for that neighbor before they come to that decision- sometimes it takes a few days or weeks. Sometimes that neighbor seems to "get it" and then falls back. Sometimes it hurts and it wears on you. Sometimes you sak God why you even try. But then "bham!" it happens and they recieve His free gift of salvation- not by what you've done, but by what the Spirit has done through you. And even after they come to know the Lord there's still discipleship! The "work" is never done. You've got to be available to love on them, read with them, answer questions, and show them through your life the difference Christ makes. So you continue to pray for their growth and that they in turn will bring others to Christ- a harvest. So as I'm thinking of this the comparison quickly comes to my wannabe garden. It's taking a lot of work to even get the ground ready to be planted. And the steps are slow and painful (not so much for the ground as it is for my hands). My neighbor is not a believer in Jesus Christ- she thinks I'm a good person, but I'm only a sinner saved by grace. So I'm praying, living, and hopefully soon we'll be discussing Jesus. The tempered shovel I've been using to do EVERYTHING on that piece of land I would compare to the Holy Spirit because it's only through the Spirit leading that anything I do is worthwhile. Those weeds and pebbles are the things which keep her from knowing Christ and as the Spirit slowly sweeps those things away it will reveal the weed mat- the bottom line reason as to why she hasn't come to Christ. The Lord will rip away that weed mat and she'll accept Him as Lord and Savior to reveal a beautifully fresh new life ready to be planted in and in turn bring an abundance of spiritual fruit.
Maybe you could join me in praying for my neighbor- her name is Vanessa. It kinda surprised me yesterday as I was talking with my other neighbor Lisa and Vanessa drove up in her Accord. I said to Lisa- you must meet her! So they met and Vanessa said "My parents are in town from New Mexico- YOU MUST MEET THEM!" That was the part that surprised me! Her parents are very nice and after a small chat with Reuben and Patricia I had to check on my napping baby. Mind you I was only gone for 10 minutes. Vanessa walked me back to my yard and told me it gives her rest at night to have such good neighbors- good people- she kept saying good. I might've been blushing if I didn't know that it's Christ who makes us this way. I told her "It's the Lord". We went our seperate ways and I kept thinking how is the Lord going to use me to reach my neighbor. Vanessa is in her last trimester and is looking for baby things. The sonogram reveals that she is going to have a girl. I thought- we have all this girl stuff like a travel set and a boppy- why not let them borrow the items until the little one grows out of them. I've volunteered my time if she needs help getting things ready or even after the baby's here- maybe it'll be during that time we'll tlak about the reality of Jesus Christ. So pray for her and if you could pray for me- not that I'm shy or anything- sometimes I keep my mouth from being used of the Lord. Much to my shame. Thanks for reading. :-D May the Lord bless you richly.
I dug through the garden alone
While the Texas sun was not buuurrrrning
And He briiiiiings to me
A sweet thought you seeeeeeee
Aboooouuut Himself and myyyy caaaaaalliiiiing
And He walks with me and He talks with me
And He teeells me I am His ooooooowwwn
And the joyyyy we shaaaare as we tarry theeerre
None other has everrr knooooown.
I'm digging and scraping the weeds off the weed mat- lemme tell you it is NO easy feat. You gotta put your back and legs and arms into the whole motion if you're going to get even one of those little rascally weeds. AND to make matters worse- there's a bunch of pebbles on top of it. Whoever decided that having a weed mat with a bunch of pebbles is out of their mind. BUT underneath all that mess is clean, fresh dirt just waiting to be tilled, planted, and one day a harvest of veggies will spring forth giving my family wonderful fresh garden veggies.
SO- wihle I'm "slaving" away (my choice to put myself through that punishment) the Lord graciously gives food for thought. Here are a few comparisons that He allowed to stroll through my mind because I could never come up with these on my own.
It says in Matthew that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Have you ever worked the ground with bare hands? I wouldn't recommend it after my experience today. You come into contact with someone- say a neighbor. You know from personal experience the joy of coming to know the Lord Jesus and you say to yourself the Lord wants to do in my neighbor what He did in me- changed my life and gives me hope for eternity. But the trouble is that neighbor has a lot of overgrowth, they reject Jesus Christ either because of their background, prejudices towards other so called Christians, or they think it's intellectual suicide. So they see you live- think you're a "good" person, they want what you've got, then after many discussions of what Jesus did for them on Calvary and how He lives to intercede for us and how He wants to have a relationship with them... they ask Him to be their Savior. Sometimes it takes years of living for Christ and having those discussions and praying for that neighbor before they come to that decision- sometimes it takes a few days or weeks. Sometimes that neighbor seems to "get it" and then falls back. Sometimes it hurts and it wears on you. Sometimes you sak God why you even try. But then "bham!" it happens and they recieve His free gift of salvation- not by what you've done, but by what the Spirit has done through you. And even after they come to know the Lord there's still discipleship! The "work" is never done. You've got to be available to love on them, read with them, answer questions, and show them through your life the difference Christ makes. So you continue to pray for their growth and that they in turn will bring others to Christ- a harvest. So as I'm thinking of this the comparison quickly comes to my wannabe garden. It's taking a lot of work to even get the ground ready to be planted. And the steps are slow and painful (not so much for the ground as it is for my hands). My neighbor is not a believer in Jesus Christ- she thinks I'm a good person, but I'm only a sinner saved by grace. So I'm praying, living, and hopefully soon we'll be discussing Jesus. The tempered shovel I've been using to do EVERYTHING on that piece of land I would compare to the Holy Spirit because it's only through the Spirit leading that anything I do is worthwhile. Those weeds and pebbles are the things which keep her from knowing Christ and as the Spirit slowly sweeps those things away it will reveal the weed mat- the bottom line reason as to why she hasn't come to Christ. The Lord will rip away that weed mat and she'll accept Him as Lord and Savior to reveal a beautifully fresh new life ready to be planted in and in turn bring an abundance of spiritual fruit.
Maybe you could join me in praying for my neighbor- her name is Vanessa. It kinda surprised me yesterday as I was talking with my other neighbor Lisa and Vanessa drove up in her Accord. I said to Lisa- you must meet her! So they met and Vanessa said "My parents are in town from New Mexico- YOU MUST MEET THEM!" That was the part that surprised me! Her parents are very nice and after a small chat with Reuben and Patricia I had to check on my napping baby. Mind you I was only gone for 10 minutes. Vanessa walked me back to my yard and told me it gives her rest at night to have such good neighbors- good people- she kept saying good. I might've been blushing if I didn't know that it's Christ who makes us this way. I told her "It's the Lord". We went our seperate ways and I kept thinking how is the Lord going to use me to reach my neighbor. Vanessa is in her last trimester and is looking for baby things. The sonogram reveals that she is going to have a girl. I thought- we have all this girl stuff like a travel set and a boppy- why not let them borrow the items until the little one grows out of them. I've volunteered my time if she needs help getting things ready or even after the baby's here- maybe it'll be during that time we'll tlak about the reality of Jesus Christ. So pray for her and if you could pray for me- not that I'm shy or anything- sometimes I keep my mouth from being used of the Lord. Much to my shame. Thanks for reading. :-D May the Lord bless you richly.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Conference Weekend
I know the title doesn't sound too exciting, but boy the lack of excitement in the title is the polar opposite of the conference which so happened to be amazing. And the thing about it is there was only hymns, people praying, and people speaking. You are probably asking yourself well- what was so exciting about it if that's all there was? My response to you would be because that's all there was in the presence of the Lord. Where two or more are gathered in His name- there He will be. There was no clutter- no pumping up of your faith- no froofroo music- no fluff. The speakers didn't have an agenda- they had the Word which according to the verse I'm trying to memorize is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. One speaker spoke from the book of Hebrews and the other out of 1 Samuel. And just to prove how amazing the Lord is... these guys didn't get together and discuss what they were going to speak on, but the thoughts flowed so well together- they kept referencing what the other was speaking on. And if that isn't incredible enough- the last two conferences I participated in prepared me for this one and those were one and a half years ago and two years ago.
Both brothers compared those situations to the church's condition today which is a pretty sad condition. The messages out of 1 Samuel focused on Hannah, Eli, Samuel, and the people of Israel. Hannah- here is a woman who doesn't step out of her God-ordained place (not inferior) and He chooses to put her prayer in the second chapter! She doesn't pray out loud nor does she get frustrated at the priest who blatently tells her that she's drunk! She recognizes the God given authority of the priest even though he has failed in his role. We see the quiet and gentle spirit that God finds precious and beautiful in a woman and He blesses her. Sometimes our leadership fails at their role, but it doesn't mean that we have to step out of ours. The spiritual situation today in our churches is caused by men and women stepping outside their God-given (and it's a privilege to be given) roles. One is not any less important than the other and I fear that the feminist movement has taken the quiet and gentle spirit out of our women because they try so hard to be like a man in leading and in the end become something they were not meant to be or do (if you're curious to discuss this subject I would be happy to explain from the word why I've come to this conclusion).
Eli- here is a priest who is not faithful in his role. He chooses to lift up his sons instead of lifting up the Lord. The priest was the "go between" as far as communication goes with the people. God speaks to His priest and the priest speaks to the people. God had enough of Eli and stopped speaking to him- THAT is a very sad situation. The Lord instead begins to speak to Samuel- this child. Eli had seen the debauchery his sons were involved in- even to the point of making the people stumble! The Lord even said that it would be better for a millstone to be tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea than to make one of His little ones stumble! That is a grave statement (no pun intended). That is what the church does today! They leave behind the simplicity of the NT church and place all these expectations on you and so many Christians say forget going to church anymore- I'll just stay at home- it breaks the heart of our loving Lord! He paid such a heavy price and because of certain wolves in sheep's clothing, and even unknowing believers, some have gone astray.
Next would be Samuel- this consecrated child. His mother saw the situation in Israel and prayed that the Lord would use her son (she specifically prayed for a man-child). God uses the failed priest to bring up His appointed prophet- and it says that not a single word fell to the ground that came from Samuel's mouth. That means everything that Samuel said had purpose and came to pass. He was set apart- consecrated. In a time when men lived however they wanted to- Samuel chose to follow God and live differently and because he did the Lord used Samuel mightily. God brought about a change in the people of Israel because one boy listened and lived as though he blieved God when God spoke. That should be an admonishment and an exhortation to believers today.
Finallly the people of Israel- there's a lot ot say about them, but the crux of the message would be they got away from the Lord and worshipped things- even so far down as to believe the ark of the covenant could save them in battle. The ark is just a box that has no power to save. The building you go to has no power to save, the way you feel during a praise service has no power to save- you can feel so spectacularly great and still be so spectacularly LOST if you do not know personally the one to whom you are singing to. But fortunately for Israel they got to the point where they told Samuel to pray for them to God so that HE can save them. Wade through the feelings, the pomp, the music, the stuff... there you will see God in His amazing simplicity because the only way He said you can come to Him is through Jesus Christ His Son.
For space sake I will try to be brief on the second speaker's message: live like you believe when God speaks. Religion and faith have always been at odds. Religion is sight oriented and faith is not. Even Christ says that those who have not seen and believe are blessed. Religion is work oriented and sometimes you work so hard at being so religious, but religion will not save you. You say you believe in God, well even the demons believe in God and TREMBLE. You must KNOW God. Hebrews 11 and 12 were the main passages the speaker referenced.
Cain, he said, was like religion- trying to be reconciled with God by your own labor from a cursed earth. Abel, he said, would represent faith- recognizing the need to be reconciled to God by another.
Next was Enoch- God said judgement is coming and the reason Enoch was translated was because He believed what God said AND WALKED with Him. He walked differently because God spoke and Enoch believed when God spoke.
Finally for time sake the speaker stopped with Noah- we know what happened with Noah. Noah evangelized for over a hundred years with less than ten converts (his family). In today's church that would be considered pitiful results. Hardly any of us live to see 100 and only 8 converts?! But God says well done my good and faithful servant. Noah started to build more than a hundred years before ANY sign of the flood (judgement) and even though he was made fun of Noah remained faithful. He believed when God spoke and lived accordingly.
We are living in the times before the judgement. We see the signs everywhere and yet we live like God hasn't told us it's coming. It's coming and we need to live like these two men did. We need to live like people are going to die and go to hell because they don't know Jesus Christ. We need to live like Jesus is returning soon and after that the judgement. This world has not known the true wrath of a HOLY and JUST God. Mt. St. Helen has NOTHING to what is coming. But God has made a way through Jesus Christ to be saved. Most of you know John 3:16- memorized it as a child- live like what God said is true because it is. Believers- it's hard sometimes, but as Hebrews 12:1-3 puts it...
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aisde every weight, and the sin which doth also so easily beset us, and let us RUN with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto JESUS the author and finisher of our faith; who for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
I see that weight and sin are two different things in verse 1. The bible says we are sojourners- strangers in this land- that our home is NOT here. The word "rapture" has the conatation of being ripped away from. We don't want to be ripped away from this world- we want to be taken. Oh that the Lord would not have to rip me away- that I would live as though Heaven is my home and I'm just visiting.
Both brothers compared those situations to the church's condition today which is a pretty sad condition. The messages out of 1 Samuel focused on Hannah, Eli, Samuel, and the people of Israel. Hannah- here is a woman who doesn't step out of her God-ordained place (not inferior) and He chooses to put her prayer in the second chapter! She doesn't pray out loud nor does she get frustrated at the priest who blatently tells her that she's drunk! She recognizes the God given authority of the priest even though he has failed in his role. We see the quiet and gentle spirit that God finds precious and beautiful in a woman and He blesses her. Sometimes our leadership fails at their role, but it doesn't mean that we have to step out of ours. The spiritual situation today in our churches is caused by men and women stepping outside their God-given (and it's a privilege to be given) roles. One is not any less important than the other and I fear that the feminist movement has taken the quiet and gentle spirit out of our women because they try so hard to be like a man in leading and in the end become something they were not meant to be or do (if you're curious to discuss this subject I would be happy to explain from the word why I've come to this conclusion).
Eli- here is a priest who is not faithful in his role. He chooses to lift up his sons instead of lifting up the Lord. The priest was the "go between" as far as communication goes with the people. God speaks to His priest and the priest speaks to the people. God had enough of Eli and stopped speaking to him- THAT is a very sad situation. The Lord instead begins to speak to Samuel- this child. Eli had seen the debauchery his sons were involved in- even to the point of making the people stumble! The Lord even said that it would be better for a millstone to be tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea than to make one of His little ones stumble! That is a grave statement (no pun intended). That is what the church does today! They leave behind the simplicity of the NT church and place all these expectations on you and so many Christians say forget going to church anymore- I'll just stay at home- it breaks the heart of our loving Lord! He paid such a heavy price and because of certain wolves in sheep's clothing, and even unknowing believers, some have gone astray.
Next would be Samuel- this consecrated child. His mother saw the situation in Israel and prayed that the Lord would use her son (she specifically prayed for a man-child). God uses the failed priest to bring up His appointed prophet- and it says that not a single word fell to the ground that came from Samuel's mouth. That means everything that Samuel said had purpose and came to pass. He was set apart- consecrated. In a time when men lived however they wanted to- Samuel chose to follow God and live differently and because he did the Lord used Samuel mightily. God brought about a change in the people of Israel because one boy listened and lived as though he blieved God when God spoke. That should be an admonishment and an exhortation to believers today.
Finallly the people of Israel- there's a lot ot say about them, but the crux of the message would be they got away from the Lord and worshipped things- even so far down as to believe the ark of the covenant could save them in battle. The ark is just a box that has no power to save. The building you go to has no power to save, the way you feel during a praise service has no power to save- you can feel so spectacularly great and still be so spectacularly LOST if you do not know personally the one to whom you are singing to. But fortunately for Israel they got to the point where they told Samuel to pray for them to God so that HE can save them. Wade through the feelings, the pomp, the music, the stuff... there you will see God in His amazing simplicity because the only way He said you can come to Him is through Jesus Christ His Son.
For space sake I will try to be brief on the second speaker's message: live like you believe when God speaks. Religion and faith have always been at odds. Religion is sight oriented and faith is not. Even Christ says that those who have not seen and believe are blessed. Religion is work oriented and sometimes you work so hard at being so religious, but religion will not save you. You say you believe in God, well even the demons believe in God and TREMBLE. You must KNOW God. Hebrews 11 and 12 were the main passages the speaker referenced.
Cain, he said, was like religion- trying to be reconciled with God by your own labor from a cursed earth. Abel, he said, would represent faith- recognizing the need to be reconciled to God by another.
Next was Enoch- God said judgement is coming and the reason Enoch was translated was because He believed what God said AND WALKED with Him. He walked differently because God spoke and Enoch believed when God spoke.
Finally for time sake the speaker stopped with Noah- we know what happened with Noah. Noah evangelized for over a hundred years with less than ten converts (his family). In today's church that would be considered pitiful results. Hardly any of us live to see 100 and only 8 converts?! But God says well done my good and faithful servant. Noah started to build more than a hundred years before ANY sign of the flood (judgement) and even though he was made fun of Noah remained faithful. He believed when God spoke and lived accordingly.
We are living in the times before the judgement. We see the signs everywhere and yet we live like God hasn't told us it's coming. It's coming and we need to live like these two men did. We need to live like people are going to die and go to hell because they don't know Jesus Christ. We need to live like Jesus is returning soon and after that the judgement. This world has not known the true wrath of a HOLY and JUST God. Mt. St. Helen has NOTHING to what is coming. But God has made a way through Jesus Christ to be saved. Most of you know John 3:16- memorized it as a child- live like what God said is true because it is. Believers- it's hard sometimes, but as Hebrews 12:1-3 puts it...
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aisde every weight, and the sin which doth also so easily beset us, and let us RUN with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto JESUS the author and finisher of our faith; who for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
I see that weight and sin are two different things in verse 1. The bible says we are sojourners- strangers in this land- that our home is NOT here. The word "rapture" has the conatation of being ripped away from. We don't want to be ripped away from this world- we want to be taken. Oh that the Lord would not have to rip me away- that I would live as though Heaven is my home and I'm just visiting.
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